The winners have been announced

At the 20th presentation of the Echo Klassik Awards for outstanding recordings on October 6, 2013 at the Konzerthaus Berlin, the Musikkollegium Winterthur, I Barocchisti, Sol Gabetta and Patricia Kopatchinskaja, among others, will be honored.

Musikkollegium Winterthur, Photo: zvg,SMPV

The German Music Award Echo is one of the most established and best-known of its kind. The Deutsche Phono-Akademie - the cultural institute of the Bundesverband Musikindustrie e. V. - honors outstanding and successful performances by national and international artists every year. The Echo Klassik is awarded by a jury made up of the Classical Music Working Group of the German Music Industry Association, independent industry experts and the ZDF music editorial team. It makes its decision based on both artistic quality and audience success. The awarding of the prize thus reflects not only the opinion of critics, but also the appreciation of music buyers.
This year, 54 prizewinners in 21 categories will be honored. These include Martha Argerich as Instrumentalist of the Year with her Lugano concertosThe Musikkollegium Winterthur under the direction of Douglas Boyd with the Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra and the 5th Symphony by Ralph Vaughan Williams, with the duo Tal & Groethuysen as soloists; the Ticino ensemble I Barocchisti under the direction of Diego Fasolis accompanying Cecilia Bartoli in opera excerpts by Agostino Steffani; Sol Gabetta in a duo with Helene Grimaud; Patricia Kopatchinskaja with works by Bartók, Eötvös and Ligeti.
The winners of the Lifetime Achievement, Promotion of Young Talent and Bestseller of the Year categories will be announced in the coming weeks.

List of award winners

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