Modern ideas of the musical past

How did an idea of the "musical past" develop between the late Middle Ages and early modern times? The European research project "Sound Memories: The Musical Past in Late-Medieval and Early-Modern Europe" (SoundMe) is investigating this question.

Photo: Wikimedia/Commons,SMPV

With the help of several case studies, the researchers from five countries also want to analyze the ways in which musical traditions were deliberately used for certain political and religious purposes. The project "Sound Memories: The Musical Past in Late-Medieval and Early-Modern Europe" (SoundMe) is being supported by the European HERA funding initiative with a total of around 1.2 million euros.

A working group led by Inga Mai Groote from the Department of Musicology at the University of Heidelberg will be looking in particular at examples from Protestant Germany. There, despite the innovations in liturgy and musical practice, older repertoires such as the Latin chorale remained in deliberate use.

In addition to Groote, the international research team includes scientists from the Universities of Cambridge (UK) and Prague (Czech Republic) as well as the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. The overall project is being coordinated by Karl Kügle from Utrecht University (Netherlands).


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