Documents on opera history on the web

Thousands of documents from Italian opera history from the Archivio Storico Ricordi in Milan can now be viewed and researched digitally on the online platform "Collezione Digitale".

"Collezione Digitale" (Image: Screenshot),SMPV

According to a press release from the media company Bertelmanns, after several years of preparatory work to catalog, restore and digitize the archive holdings, the complete iconographic collection of the Ricordi archive can now be accessed online. It includes more than 400 portraits of renowned singers, composers and librettists, around 600 set designs and several thousand costume and prop drawings for numerous Italian operas, including works by Giuseppe Verdi and Giacomo Puccini.

Detailed stage directions and stage directions are also available for many works and performances. The Collezione Digitale offers a search for composers and operas as well as a free search. The documents displayed can be zoomed in and are provided with metadata and, in most cases, further links.


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