Mahler premiere in Tübingen

Jörg Rothkamm, who works at the University of Tübingen, has come across a previously unpublished version of the "Erntelied". The Mahler composition will be premiered at the University of Tübingen on Tuesday, January 31.

Gustav Mahler 1909. photo: Studio A. Dupont, N.Y., Library of Congress/wikimedia commons,SMPV

Mahler and his wife Alma worked together on compositions. They often produced several versions of a piece. Rothkamm tracked down, verified and deciphered the piece based on a poem by Gustav Falke in Gustav Mahler's manuscript in the "Médiathèque Musicale Mahler" in Paris. He was able to show that Gustav Mahler's contribution to the joint composition was greater than previously expected.

The version differs from the known and published version in numerous respects, both in the text and melody, but above all in the piano accompaniment and harmonies. The ending in this autograph by Gustav Mahler, i.e. the handwritten version, is also completely new in formal terms.

At the premiere of the "Erntelied", Jörg Rothkamm will explain its genesis in an introductory lecture with numerous musical and sound examples. It was composed at exactly the same time as Mahler was drafting his last, unfinished 10th Symphony - and there are indeed musical connections between the works.

Info: January 31, 2017, 6:15 pm, University of Tübingen, Institute of Musicology.

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