Announcement of the Handschin Prize

The Swiss Music Research Society is once again offering the Handschin Prize for young musicologists, endowed with CHF 10,000. Applications for the prize can be submitted directly to the Society.

Jacques Handschin (with kind permission of Het Orgel/NL),SMPV

Doctoral candidates who completed their doctorate between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2017, including the defense, are eligible to apply. The application deadline is March 20. Details on the application conditions can be found at

In 2009, the Swiss Music Research Society awarded the prize named after the Moscow-born Swiss musicologist and organist Jacques Handschin (1886-1955) for the first time. The first winner was the Belgian musicologist Bruno Forment. Giovanni Zanovello won it in 2011, Dóra Kiss in 2014 and Angela Fiore in 2016.

The prize is financed by funds bequeathed to the SMG in her will by the Basel music historian Marta Walter (1896-1961). This legacy also allows the creation of the Glarean Prize for Music Research, which was awarded for the first time in 2007.


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