The soundtrack to the First World War

The Institute of Musicology at the University of Bern took part in an interdisciplinary project to record the phenomenon of the First World War as a historical, cultural and social event.

Songbook of a Poilu (French soldier) from the 1st World War. Source: Wikimedia commons,SMPV

Six institutes of the Faculty of Philosophy and History at the University of Bern have joined forces for the project to give students the opportunity to study the phenomenon of the First World War in depth.

As part of the project, the young academics defined research topics such as food supply, soldiers from ethnic minorities, the role of women in the war or theater performances by and for internees. The students had to include at least two subject areas in their research. The aim was to present the research findings to a wide audience in a performance entitled "The War to End All Wars" - a novel approach.

The students performed recitations, songs and live music. The presentations were complemented by multimedia projections of image, film and audio material. As the performance could not cover all the findings of the research project, these were also shown as an exhibition and supplemented by a documentation brochure.

The institutes involved in the research project and their responsible persons at the Faculty of Phil. Faculty are: Institute of English Languages and Literatures (Dr. Franz Andres Morrissey), Institute of History (PD Dr. Daniel Segesser), Institute of German Studies (Prof. Dr. Oliver Lubrich, M.A. Nina Peter), Institute of Musicology (Prof. Dr. Britta Sweers, Pascal Levy), Institute of Italian Language and Literature (PD Dr. Silvia Natale, Dr. Aline Kunz), Institute of Theatre Studies (M.A. Johanna Hilari, Floriane Radtke).

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