Schönberg's composition sketches

The Arnold Schönberg Center in Vienna is holding an international symposium from 17 to 19 October. Proposals for papers dealing with Schönberg's compositional sketches can be submitted until February 2.

Arnold Schönberg's hands, Los Angeles (1940). Photo: © Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna,SMPV

The Arnold Schönberg Center in Vienna is organizing an international symposium in collaboration with the Arnold Schönberg Science Center and the Vienna School at the Institute for Musicology and Interpretation Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna from 17 to 19 October 2019.

The symposium will focus on sketching in the Viennese School. The focus will be on compositional sketches by Arnold Schönberg, Alban Berg and Anton Webern from the transitional period around 1908/09 as well as the early phase of composition with twelve notes related only to each other in the years 1921 to 1924.

For the "Free papers" section, submissions are welcome on the thematic focus on compositional sketches by Arnold Schönberg as well as on questions of current Schönberg research.

The symposium offers scientists the opportunity to present the results of their research in a 20-minute lecture. Symposium languages are German and English. A publication of selected contributions and free submissions is planned for the Journal of the Arnold Schönberg Center 17/2020.

Paper submissions with abstract (approx. 300 words) and short biography are requested by February 2, 2019 to:
Arnold Schönberg Center, Schwarzenbergplatz 6, A-1030 Vienna

Information on the acceptance of contributions will be provided at the beginning of March 2019.

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