Who's Who of scholars of the late Middle Ages

The publicly accessible database "Repertorium Academicum Germanicum" (RAG) shows the late medieval origins of today's knowledge community. It was created under Bernese leadership and includes the biographies of more than 60,000 medieval scholars.

Foundation of the University of Basel on April 4, 1460 in the cathedral. Image: Basel University Library AN II 3,SMPV

For over ten years, the international research and digitization project RAG of the University of Bern and the Justus Liebig University Giessen has been tracing the lives of these scholars, determining their origins and following their later careers. The information has been collected from a wide variety of historical sources and is now available to the general public in an online database that is also of interest to musicologists.

In addition to famous personalities such as Erasmus of Rotterdam and Martin Luther, the RAG database also contains information on 60,000 other people. Using simple search terms, all the scholars of the Middle Ages can be grouped according to their place of origin, field of study or the universities they attended, their travels can be displayed on a map and their relationships with other people can be visualized interactively.

Info: rag-online.org

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