Music pilot project at Neuenburg elementary school

Since the summer of 2012, the Conservatoire de musique neuchâtelois
(CMNE) is conducting a pilot project in schools in the canton under the title "Orchestre en classe", the first results of which are now available.

© rossler -,SMPV

The aim of the experiment, initiated by cantonal music delegate Luc Aeschlimann, is to give pupils the opportunity to gain music-making experience in an ensemble over a two-year period as part of an open experimental space.

Two classes are currently taking part in the trial, one at the Collège des Endroits (3e Harmos) in La Chaux-de-Fonds and a second at the Collège de Vauseyon (6e Harmos) in Neuchâtel. The children in La Chaux-de-Fonds had the choice between five wind instruments, clarinet, saxophone, trombone, trumpet and flute, while those in Neuchâtel could choose between the string instruments violin, viola and cello.

The first results are to be presented to the public in mid-March. If the results are positive, further school classes will be included in the trial.

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