Project of the Megliodia association honored

The prize of 60,000 francs goes to St. Gallen. The Megliodia association will use it to realize a project with the city's Speltrini elementary school.

The Speltrini elementary school. Image: City of St. Gallen,SMPV

Megliodia, the association for the promotion of ambitious children's and youth music projects, as it is called, has been run by recorder player Annina Stahlberger and cellist Gerhard Oetiker since it was founded in 2009. Based on children's natural instinct to play, the association promotes extraordinary projects that encourage children and young people to play music together.

In the 2016/17 school year, a three-part project is now to be realized with the municipal elementary school Speltrini, which will enable 200 children to make music professionally accompanied during the school day for two months. The charitable Accentus Foundation is supporting this project with the Lily Waeckerlin Prize for Youth & Music in the amount of CHF 60,000. "In the first phase," writes the foundation in a press release, "the children attend joint choir rehearsals during school hours as well as variously oriented workshops, for example those for making music in an orchestra, for percussion or for design. The second phase is a special week in which the studio work is combined into a concert and choreography program. The final third part is a performance in front of an audience in the St. Gallen Tonhalle; a specially formed choir made up of fathers and grandfathers of Speltrini children will also take part."

Make music yourself
With the annual Lily Waeckerlin Prize, the Accentus Foundation aims to "motivate children and young people not just to consume music, but to actively engage with it. The mediation and introduction to the musical work therefore play a special role in the awarding of the prize."

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