Call for cultural project "Sehnsucht"

The Albert Koechlin Foundation (AKS) is initiating a cultural project with productions from Central Switzerland for Central Switzerland for the fifth time in 2016. The theme of the cultural project in 2016 is "Longing".

Photo: Tim Küsters/

The theme of "longing" focuses on a world that one imagines in one's head, writes the AKS. Human longing as an emotional, inner movement can release poetic and imaginative energy and open up possibilities that are directed towards other people, other places, times and other living conditions.

Artists and organizers from the fields of music, dance, literature, theater, performance, film and visual arts, as well as producers of thematic exhibitions who feel addressed by the topic, are invited to submit projects. The "Sehnsucht" project will run from April 18 to May 29, 2016 in the cantons of Central Switzerland (Uri, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Schwyz and Lucerne).

The deadline for submitting project ideas is Friday, October 17, 2014. The projects supported by Sehnsucht will be announced on November 30, 2014. The projects will be selected by the expert jury of the "Sehnsucht" cultural project.

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