Foundation of a network of girls' choirs

A network for girls' choirs from Switzerland, Austria and Germany has been founded in Basel. The initiative consists of choir directors and managers of girls' choirs from German-speaking countries.

Basel Girls' Choir at the Swiss Children's and Youth Choir Festival 2015. photo: Mattias Nutt

The aim of the new group is to strengthen networking and improve communication of the concerns of girls' choirs. The network aims to "showcase the strengths of young female singers and draw attention to the unequal treatment of boys' and girls' choirs that exists in many places".

Among others, Anna Katharina Kalmbach, Luzerner Kantorei, Martina van Lengerich, Mädchenkantorei Freiburg DE, Marina Niedel, Mädchenkantorei Basel, Gerd Rixmann, Mädchenchor Wiesbaden DE and Lea Scherer, Solothurner Mädchenchor.

The group is open to all interested managers from the sector and a follow-up meeting is planned for February 2016.


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