Swiss Youth Choir with new board

The Swiss Youth Choir elected a new board at its 24th General Assembly. The new president is Patrick Secchiari, who teaches choral conducting at the Bern University of the Arts and also serves as president of the Swiss Federation Europa Cantat SFEC.

Swiss Youth Choir. Photo: Christian Rossel

Patrick Secchiari studied at the music academies in Fribourg and Bern and attended international master classes. He currently conducts two choirs as well as his self-founded vocal ensemble ardent.

The artistic director of the choir is Nicolas Fink, who was born in Bern and now lives in Leipzig. He works with leading professional choirs throughout Europe and is a sought-after partner for rehearsals. He has been the choir director of the Schleswig-Holstein Festival Choir since 2014.

The other Board members are Maxime Thély (Administration), Ivana Aeschbacher (Logistics), Anna-Barbara Winzeler (Marketing and PR) and Doris Lüthi (Advisory Board and Consulting).

Jean-Pierre Salamin (former President), Hansrüedi Kämpfen (founder and initiator of the Swiss Youth Choir) - who was awarded honorary membership for his services to the Swiss Youth Choir -, Mirjam Schumacher (Public Relations) and Gian-Reto Trepp (joint project with the Central Switzerland Youth Symphony Orchestra ZJSO) were dismissed from the Board.

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