ISCM Festival in New Zealand canceled

The International Society for Contemporary Music's annual festival since 1923, the ISCM World New Music Days 2020, should have taken place this year from April 21 to 30 in Auckland and Christchurch (New Zealand). They have been postponed to 2022 due to COVID-19.

Excerpt from the event logo. Graphic: ISCM World New Music Days

As the management announced in mid-March, the current measures and entry regulations of the New Zealand government no longer allow events of this size to take place. The local organizers, the Composers Association of New Zealand (CANZ) and the Asian Composers League (ACL), are endeavouring to hold the 2022 festival at the same venues while largely retaining this year's programme.

Esther Flückiger was chosen to represent Switzerland at the ISCM World New Music Days in New Zealand (Link to the news from 13.11.2019).

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