Canton of Zurich supports Evelinn Trouble

The first sponsorship award of the year 2017 from the Canton of Zurich, endowed with 30,000 francs, goes to the musician Evelinn Trouble. The second, equally endowed prize goes to visual artist Reto Boller.

Evelinn Trouble, shot for the album Arrowhead (Image: zvg)

Evelinn Trouble lives and works in Zurich and Berlin. She released her first album "Arbitrary Act", for which she recorded all the instruments herself, in 2007 as a graduation project. Since 2007, the singer and musician has been touring in various formations and bands in Switzerland and abroad.

Evelinn Trouble moves skillfully between genres: sometimes her music is rugged and rocky, sometimes dark with synthesizers, sometimes it is dream-like ballads with hymn-like refrains, according to the canton's press release.

Last fall, the cantonal government of Zurich decided to award two sponsorship prizes of CHF 30,000 each instead of one sponsorship prize of CHF 40,000. This year, the second prize goes to the visual artist Reto Boller. He lives and works in Zurich and Stuttgart, where he has held a professorship for painting at the State Academy of Fine Arts since 2007.

This year's Zurich Culture Prize, endowed with 50,000 francs, goes to the co-founder of the Union publishing house and bookmaker Lucien Leitess. The canton's Golden Medal of Honor goes to the "sogar theater", which was founded in 1998 by Peter Brunner and Doris Aebi in a backyard near Langstrasse in Zurich's Kreis 5 district.

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