Freiburg universities cooperate

In Freiburg in southern Germany, the University of Music, the University of Education and the Albert Ludwig University will together receive two million euros over the next five years to reorganize teacher training courses in music.

Entrance to the conservatory. Photo: Joergens.mi/Wikipedia

The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) is funding the joint application from the three Freiburg universities as part of a teacher training program in Baden-Württemberg. The cooperation takes place under the umbrella of the Freiburg Advanced Center of Education (FACE), which the university and the PH founded together last year.

According to the Freiburg University of Music, the aim of the cooperation is "a new, professionally-oriented profile for the training of future teachers in the subject of music". The structure and content of the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses are intended to combine subject knowledge, artistic subject, music didactics and educational science as closely as possible.

Key topics include inclusion, interculturality, popular music as well as making music, improvising and inventing music in the classroom. The Institute of Musicians' Medicine at the University Medical Center Freiburg is also involved in developing courses on how to deal with one's own voice.


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