Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching for Kinzler

The Credit Suisse Award for Best Teaching 2014, endowed with CHF 10,000, goes to Burkhard Kinzler. He teaches music theory and aural training as well as chamber music at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).

Photo: zvg

The prize, awarded by the Credit Suisse Foundation, recognizes outstanding achievements by lecturers. It serves to promote the quality of teaching at university level. It is awarded every three years at one of the three sub-schools of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences.

Born in 1963, Burkhard Kinzler has been teaching music theory, aural training and chamber music at the ZHdK's Department of Music since 2003. He convinced the jury, which consisted of five lecturers from various ZHdK departments and a representative of the student organization, with his high level of expertise and his interactive dialogue with the students, among other things. In a climate of mutual appreciation, Burkhard Kinzler spurs his students on to top performance, according to the statement. 

In addition to his work as a lecturer, Kinzler leads various ensembles and projects, mainly in the field of new music. He founded and directed the vocal ensemble Chroma and was artistic director of the Meersburg Summer Academy. Since 2007 he has been artistic director of the Winterthur Museum Concerts, and since 2009 he has directed the Winterthur Chamber Choir. He is also active as a composer.

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