British Composers Award for Django Bates

Django Bates, lecturer in the jazz department at the Bern University of the Arts (HKB), has been awarded the British Composers Award 2014 in the jazz category for his composition The Study of Touch.

Django Bates, picture for the album "Beloved Bird". Photo: Martin Munch

As founder of the big band Loose Tubes in the 1980s, Django Bates was one of the initiators of the European jazz renaissance. In 1997, he was awarded the Danish Jazzpar Prize, which is considered the Nobel Prize of jazz. In 2005, RMC Copenhagen appointed him its first Professor of Rhythmic Music. He teaches piano, composition and ensemble at the Bern University of Music and Performing Arts.

The British Composer Awards recognize compositions in contemporary music, jazz and electro-acoustic music. They were established in 2003 by the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA).


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