ZHdK graduate concertmaster in Milan

According to a short report by the British music journalist Norman Lebrecht, the Italian violinist Laura Marzadori, who was a student of Zakhar Bron at the ZHdK (Zurich University of the Arts), is to become concertmaster of La Scala Orchestra.

Picture: zvg

Laura Marzadori studied at the Conservatorio G. B. Martini in Bologna and won the Andrea Amati National Contest for Young Violinists in 2004. In 2006 she attended a one-year master class with Giuliano Carmignola as part of the Orchestra Mozart and at the age of 17 she studied for three years with Pavel Berman at the International Academy Incontri col Maestro in Imola (Italy).

She studied with Zakhar Bron at the Zurich University of the Arts from 2008. In 2013, she won the XXXII Franco Abbiati Award with the Trio Armellini-Marzadori.

Original message: www.artsjournal.com/slippeddisc/2014/03/breaking-la-scala-appoints-woman-concertmaster.html

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