A festival of film and music in Lucerne

The Studio for Contemporary Music at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts is hosting the "Film & Music" festival from March 21 to 23, 2013. Among other things, experimental silent films from the 1920s and Stockhausen's "Indianerlieder" will be shown.

One focus of the festival is on experimental silent films from the 1920s: shortly after the First World War, the first attempts were made to further develop painting through the medium of film. They go hand in hand with efforts in music to free sounds from their harmonic "shackles". In recent years, numerous new film soundtracks have been created, some of which will be played together with their historical predecessors.

Students of the Lucerne School of Art and Design use the rich visual language of Stockhausen's "Indianerlieder" as a starting point for an innovative realization of the work in film and live video.

Furthermore, the Danish composer Simon Steen-Andersen (*1976) uses his video works to complement and clarify his musical language, thus turning the conventional relationship between music and image on its head.

The festival also presents works from the Contemporary Music Studies and Jazz study areas: the Music and Art Performance, Interpretation in Contemporary Music and Jazz study programs have intensively explored the dialogue between the media of image and sound, partly on the basis of historical silent film and partly in collaboration with contemporary video artists.

Admission to the "Film & Music" festival is free (collection). The complete program is available at: www.hslu.ch/film-und-musik

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