MKZ sponsorship award goes to Audrey Haenni

For the fourth time, an outstanding young talent has received the Classical Music Prize from the Zurich Conservatory of Music (MKZ). It has been awarded to the young violinist Audrey Haenni.

Photo: Frederic Meyer

The young violinist, who is taught by Fränzi Frick, impressed the seven-member jury in the Small Hall of the Tonhalle Zurich "with her playing technique and musicality", according to a press release from the city of Zurich. She will receive prize money of 3,000 francs, which will be provided by the MKZ Foundation. The money must be invested in her future musical education. Audrey Haenni intends to use it to take part in a master class in Switzerland or abroad.

The aim of the MKZ Foundation is to support young artists in their musical development. The prize is awarded in collaboration with the Tonhalle Society Zurich. The patron of the MKZ Sponsorship Award is Ilona Schmiel, Director of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich and its chief conductor Lionel Bringuier.


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