Making music and singing under difficult conditions

Together with other partners, the Swiss Association of Music Schools has launched Music Education Day CH. On November 7, local activities and a social media campaign will raise awareness of the fact that music education is one of the cornerstones of society.


Switzerland's music schools and amateur organizations such as youth music associations, brass bands, choirs and amateur orchestras are the main providers of musical education for children and young people as well as adults. They promote music-making and singing and make a significant contribution to anchoring music in the population.

Public music schools in Switzerland fulfill important educational tasks in our society as part of the education system, as cultural institutions and as preparatory training facilities for studying at a music university. As educational platforms, youth music associations are committed to promoting young musical talent and, together with brass bands, contribute to national cohesion. Choirs and amateur orchestras promote ensemble music-making and make music accessible to a wide audience at concerts. Music schools and amateur organizations enable people of all ages to receive musical education and thus make a decisive contribution to the population's participation in cultural heritage, its cultivation and further development.

The coronavirus pandemic as a major challenge

Even after the resumption of face-to-face operations at music schools and rehearsals and orchestral activities at amateur organizations, the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic in the field of music education will be felt for a long time to come - conditions are currently worsening rapidly again and the brief fragile "new normality" is already being called into question again.

The 400 or so music schools that are members of the Swiss Music Schools Association (VMS) are currently unable to hold regular instrumental demonstrations, meaning that children and young people cannot be encouraged to take part in music education to the usual extent. Ensemble and orchestra rehearsals as well as concerts by music schools, amateur music associations and choirs can only take place under difficult conditions due to the protective measures. Many concerts and competitions have had to be canceled and will probably not be possible to the usual extent for some time to come.

Music education in danger

The coronavirus pandemic is likely to have an impact on the financial circumstances of many families due to the tense economic situation in many sectors. It is questionable whether all parents will be able to continue to send their children and young people to music lessons at the current parental contributions. Initial feedback from the music schools indicates that a decline in the number of pupils is to be expected. Music clubs and amateur orchestras as well as choirs are threatened by a decline in active members, as concert performances are hardly possible and rehearsals can only take place under severe restrictions. This will make access to music schools and amateur music associations more difficult in the long term and, as a result, ensure even less equal opportunities in the field of musical education.

Innovative solutions still in demand

Music schools and amateur organizations have responded quickly and with great commitment to the challenges of the current crisis. Alternative forms of teaching and rehearsals as well as online platforms for performances have been developed and widely implemented. This has at least partially cushioned the immediate consequences of the lockdown. More far-reaching measures are needed to deal with the lasting effects.

Music schools are now doing everything they can to counteract the decline in student numbers with innovative solutions such as flexible registration deadlines and entry options as well as special taster courses or, where necessary, remote offers. Amateur clubs and choirs need to find suitable venues for rehearsals and concerts and are required to develop new concepts for recruiting members and for performances.

To ensure that singing and making music remains one of the most popular leisure activities among the Swiss population and that comprehensive musical education is open to everyone without barriers, the creative commitment and will of all those involved is needed.

Music Education Day CH on November 7, 2020

The Swiss Association of Music Schools and various amateur music associations are proclaiming the Day of Music Education CH on November 7, 2020. The offers of music schools, amateur music associations and choirs will be highlighted and the great importance of music education will be emphasized. Individual music schools and amateur music associations will draw attention to their offers with musical activities on the day of action. An overview of the planned events can be found on the Campaign website published.

Signet Day of Music Education CH

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