Milestone in talent development

On October 29, VMS and KMHS presented the "Pre-College Music CH" label to seven schools in Lucerne.

Valentin Gloor thanks Leander Schöpfer, Fiona Busse-Grawitz and Samuel Brunner (from right). Photo: A. Kohler

"Quality" and "exchange" or "cooperation" were the key words of this festive event in the Club Knox of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Music. The musical contributions of young talents from schools certified for the first time with the "Pre-College Music CH" label not only provided a suitable setting. They stood for the great diversity of potential professionalism and testified to the high level of the training model at the interface between music school and music college. The young musicians also had the opportunity to interact directly with each other.

Christine Bouvard-Marty (left) and Noémi L. Robidas speak on behalf of the label sponsors VMS and KMHS.

The president of the label sponsorship, Christine Bouvard-Marty, Swiss Association of Music Schools (VMS)and Noémie L. Robidas, Swiss Conference of Music Universities (KMHS), built a bridge to the constitutional article "Musical Education" in their welcoming and closing remarks. It is the basis for the many years of work by the VMS and KMHS with regard to the systematic promotion of musical talent with university potential in Switzerland. The jointly developed Pre-College Music CH label is intended to raise the quality of entry into professional training throughout Switzerland to a comparable, high level, to strengthen the perception of the profession of musician and to promote cooperation between the training institutions. The first awarding of the label to seven training institutions is a milestone for music education, especially for the promotion of young musical talent preparing for university studies in music, said Bouvard. The Swiss quality label, which is based on existing international standards, deserves national recognition, especially from the authorities. She was addressing the guests Lorenzetta Zaugg, Federal Office of Culture, and Marcel Schwerzmann, President of the Government of the Canton of Lucerne. Other topics in the working group's report on Implementation of Art. 67a BV at federal level were still awaiting implementation. Or, as Valentin Gloor, Vice-President KMHS, host and Director of the Lucerne School of Music, remarked elsewhere: of the 40 or so proposed measures, "it feels like two" have been implemented so far.

Who, how and how further

Anna Brugnoni describes the work of the Joint Commission.

The central role in the certification process is played by the so-called Joint Commission, whose work was presented by Anna Brugnoni. The commission (in addition to Brugnoni, its members are Valentin Gloor, chair, Raphael Camenisch, Helena Maffli, Luca Medici and Béatrice Zawodnik) reviews the certification applications, determines whether the criteria are met and whether documents are missing. The highlight is always the on-site visit by two members of the committee, the most important guiding star always being the quality of the teachers and students. All processes are disclosed and questions are answered. The representatives of the certified schools greatly appreciate this direct exchange, combined with constructive criticism from an outside perspective. Thomas Saxer, VMS Board Member, presented the certificates to seven training centers from three language regions: Conservatoire de musique neuchâtelois, Conservatoire de Lausanne, Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Music, Winterthur Conservatory, Zurich Conservatory Music School and Zurich University of the Arts (the links lead directly to the respective pre-college offers).

(from left) Christian Ledermann, Winterthur Conservatory; Luca Medici, Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana; Josua Dill, Zurich University of the Arts; Christian Kipper, Lucerne University of Music; Seung-Yeun Huh, Zurich Conservatory of Music; Nicolas Farine, Conservatoire de musique neuchâtelois; Hélène Celhay, Conservatoire de Lausanne as well as Christoph Brenner and Thomas Saxer

Finally, the association "Schweizerische Konferenz Pre-Colleges Music CH", based in Basel, was founded in a quick, public and uncomplicated procedure in accordance with Art. 60 ff. of the Swiss Federal Law on Education and Research. Swiss Civil Code was founded. Thomas Saxer, chairman of the founding meeting, justified this step: "The exchange between similar organizations guarantees long-term quality development and thus continues to be important for strengthening the preparation for musical studies in Switzerland. In addition to Saxer, Christoph Brenner, KMHS, Director of the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, signed the statutes as secretary of the founding meeting. In addition to KMHS and VMS, the founding members include the seven first-certified schools. Luca Medici and Christian Ledermann sit on the board chaired by Thomas Saxer, while Valentin Gloor and Christoph Brenner sit on the board of auditors. The latter referred to the introduction of the Universities of Applied Sciences Act at the end of the 1990s, when professional music education was assigned to the universities of applied sciences, which meant that the areas of talent development and vocational preparation were somewhat neglected. Some music schools developed corresponding offers, for others this was not possible. The preparatory work for the music initiative and later the activities in the working group set up by the Federal Council led to cooperation between KMHS and VMS, which culminated in the development of a model for professional study preparation and finally in the Pre-College Music CH label. With the founding of the Swiss Conference Pre-Colleges Music CH, direct exchange has now been institutionalized again.

Information and documents about the label Pre-College Music CH

The label can be applied for using a form on the VMS website. The next certification round will take place in summer 2022.

Weblink to information and documents

Label Pre-College Music CH
c/o Swiss Association of Music Schools VMS
Dufourstrasse 11
4052 Basel

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