Swiss jazz is becoming more international, write the organizers of the 24th Schaffhausen Jazz Festival. The scenes are growing ever closer together without the performers denying their respective roots.

Lucas Niggli, probably the most active drummer in Switzerland at the moment, as well as Michel Godard and the Italian accordionist Luciano Biondini will be among those performing in Schaffhausen. Michael Moore, the Dutch super sax player and the New York electric guitarist McManus will be playing with Michel Wintsch from Geneva.

Berlin-based trombonist and Romand Samuel Blaser will be performing with two French musicians in a new trio. The Lausanne pianist Sylvie Courvoisier will be playing solo for the first time in Schaffhausen. She is traveling from New York for the event. Newcomers Yves Theiler, pianist from Zurich, and the Biel quartet "Breakfast on a Battlefield" will be welcomed.

Westdeutscher Rundfunk WDR 3 is recording a live evening together with SRF for the third time. The festival will thus be broadcast as far as North Rhine-Westphalia. Swiss television SRF will also be showing three documentary films about Swiss jazz from its beginnings to the present day as previews. The screenings will be accompanied by interviews and panel discussions.

The whole program:

Picture: Francesca Pfeffer

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