Jazz compositions on feminism and diversity

Under the artistic direction of Julia Hülsmann, Professor of Composition, 14 students from the Berlin University of the Arts and the Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin have been working on compositions since May last year. They are now available on CD.

Planet 9 composers at the Kurt Weill Festival Dessau (Image: Sebastian Gündel)

Before beginning their compositional work, the students intensively explored the topics of feminism, diversity and specifically the role of women in jazz. Women are still underrepresented in subjects such as jazz and composition, as the "jazzstudie2016" conducted at the University of Hildesheim clearly shows, writes the UdK (Berlin University of the Arts).

The project name "Planet 9" alludes to new discoveries and the expansion of knowledge systems. Just as our solar system has recently been enriched by a planet, there is still much to discover in the jazz scene: "Planet 9" makes a musical statement that aims to sharpen the ear for diversity and overcome structural hurdles.

The CD "Planet 9" is published in the series "jazz_betont", the label of the UdK Berlin. Website: www.udk-berlin.de/universitaet/betont-das-label-der-udk-berlin/katalog/jazz-betont/

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