Siemens sponsorship award for Hefti

One of the three composer sponsorship awards from the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation
goes this year to the Swiss composer and conductor David Philip Hefti.

Photographer: Mareike Niemz, 2012

In addition to financial support, the recipients receive a portrait CD produced according to their individual wishes in cooperation with the Viennese label col legno. Hefti will be presented with the award at a musical ceremony in Munich's Prinzregententheater on June 4, 2013.

The Board of Trustees of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, whose members include the composers Wolfgang Rihm (Hefti's composition teacher) and Helmut Lachenmann, sees Hefti as one of the up-and-coming composers.

In addition to Hefti, the Canadian Samy Moussa and the Serbian Marko Nikodijevic will receive a sponsorship award from the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation. The international Ernst von Siemens Music Prize for lifetime achievement in the service of music, endowed with 250,000 euros, goes this year to conductor Mariss Jansons.

The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation awards a total of 3 million euros. In 2013, over one hundred contemporary projects that have made an outstanding contribution to contemporary music will be supported worldwide.

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