Mindfulness alone is not enough

Fabio Dorizzi grew up in Steinach on Lake Constance. He is studying for a Bachelor of Arts degree in singing at the Kalaidos University of Music and celebrated several successes last year: he won first prize at the Kertész Competition and was also able to perform in his first role at the Zurich Opera House.

Annette Kappeler and Xavier Pfarrer - If you ask him about his favorite music, he mentions Depuis le jour by Marc-Antoine Charpentier (interpretation by Montserrat Caballé) and Time waits for no one by Freddy Mercury. He describes himself as a passionate "power napper", Feldenkrais fan and loves dancing in clubs.

Fabio Dorizzi, what has changed in your life during the pandemic? What were the biggest challenges?

The pandemic was a turbulent time. Suddenly there was a lot of fear and sadness. Many people lost loved ones, relationships broke down, working relationships changed... But terms like "solidarity" and "slowing down" also became louder. I liked that. What's more, a dream came true for me during the pandemic when I was allowed to sing at the Zurich Opera.

Congratulations! How did this commitment come about?

I was approached by an agent. I then auditioned in Zurich and got the role. I am extremely grateful that I was able to have this experience and I soaked it all up like a sponge and learned a lot of new things. My next goal now is to get into an opera studio.

The stage seems to fascinate you. You sang the lead role in a school musical back in Year 3. Last year, the Zurich Opera House... What connects these two stages for you?

These are two important moments in my life. Both of them made me feel very intense and encouraged me on my path. I love being on stage! If you can still make people happy with it: Jackpot!

Are you able to finance your studies and your life with your artistic work, or do you also work in other areas?

I had part-time jobs during my studies and am supported by foundations and private individuals. At the moment I can't yet make a 100% living from singing. I will continue to pursue this goal and will not shy away from taking on part-time jobs. After all, you're no less of an artist just because you generate your income from other sources.

We agree on that. In addition, studying at Kalaidos is not subsidized. What are the advantages and disadvantages (apart from the study costs) of a university like Kalaidos, which places a strong emphasis on flexibility and student independence?

I appreciate the independence of Kalaidos in terms of time and location! But no rose without thorns: especially at the beginning of my studies, I had trouble structuring my everyday life. Today I'm glad that I learned this during my studies.

You mention the structuring of everyday study life as a key point. Nevertheless, there can always be stressful phases. You wrote a Matura thesis on mindfulness - do such techniques play a role in your artistic work?

Absolutely! For me, mindfulness is a basic requirement for all learning! But during my studies, I also learned that mindfulness alone is not enough. I believe that you shouldn't spend your life in "observer mode", but should always be allowed to lose yourself in life and in your own roles... The mixture makes you awake and alive.

You once said: "I already live from music today. My dream is to live from music in the future". What does this living from music mean to you today?

I believe that there is no human condition that cannot be captured in music. The reverse is just as true: if you allow yourself to be touched by music, you can feel your way into many "humanities". There's something very liberating about that, don't you think?

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