
There are almost no rituals without music, and she herself can hardly manage without it.

All articles marked in blue can be read directly on the website by clicking on them. All other content can only be found in the printed edition or in the e-Paper.


Depth of experience instead of an event
Rituals make it possible to experience community. Especially in music they become
but criticized as outmoded and staid

Rituels et musiques du monde
Les liens entre rituels et musique sont complexes, mais passionnants

Lorsque la musique participe au rite
La musique a accompagné les rites et cultes depuis la plus haute Antiquité

The ritual of care
Nik Bärtsch cultivates repetition. Interview

An extra in French !
Rituals. Religieux, psychologiques, psychanalytiques... Et si, en plus d'approcher ce mot par les mots, essayait de l'approcher par la sensation musicale elle-même? How would an eclectic and free immersion in ritual music sound?
De la messe au match de foot, tentative forcément subjective en 30 minutes par Francesco Biamonte, dans son émission Quoi de la RTS, en partenariat avec la RMS, disponible ici pendant 30 jours dès le 31 octobre !


... and also



Unconventional style pluralismt - 100th birthday of Armin Schibler

Ariadna Alsina Tarrés- compositrice de notre temps

Shifts of the subtle kind - Bern Music Festival

Un moulin à musique - une salle de concert exceptionnell

Prevent lights from going out - Parliamentary Group on Music

Organ in the concert hall - yes! - Inauguration of the Metzler organ in Basel

"Amazons" in the artists' villa - Othmar Schoeck Festival 2020

The sound of images - Conclusion of the Rychenberg Competition

Carte blanche for Max Nyffeler




Une matière généraliste dans une formation spécialisée

Making miracles possible with integrated music didactics



- Pia Schwab is looking for

Row 9

Since January 2017, Michael Kube has always sat down for us on the 9th of the month in row 9 - with serious, thoughtful, but also amusing comments on current developments and the everyday music business.

Link to series 9

52 x Beethoven

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