Stadt und Land

The deeper you delve into the topic of "city and country", the more the contrasts become blurred - also from a musical perspective.

All articles marked in blue can be read directly on the website by clicking on them. All other content can only be found in the printed edition or in the e-Paper.


Hinterland and megacity
The margins of society as places of creativity

Un creuset de vie culturelle en province
Welcoming artists in residence is a great opportunity to nourish local cultural life and to encourage the creation of new works.

City vs. country? Event vs. culture!
Subjective findings on urban and rural performance venues

By the people and for the people
Entretien avec Michel Caspary, directeur du Théâtre du Jorat à Mézières

In town and country, you working people
When the city dweller once stepped outside the gates, was he in the country?

Traduction française
Ouvriers des villes et des campagnes
When the city council used to sort the murs, was it on the campaign?

... and also


Irene Abrigo

La passion musicale pour leitmotiv

Making female composers visible

Carte blanche for Hanspeter Künzler


Quand la musique classique s'invite sur le lieu de travail
HEMU project "Ondée musicale"

Bold ideas - salt for learning processes
Conference on PopRockJazz pedagogy at the Konsi Bern

"The power of patronage"
Symposium at the Bern University of the Arts


- Walter Labhart is looking for

Row 9

Since January 2017, Michael Kube has always sat down for us on the 9th of the month in row 9 - with serious, thoughtful, but also amusing comments on current developments and the everyday music business.

Link to series 9

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