
Instruments that make skins sound are called membranophones. We provide an overview of the genre, ask about vegan variants, take a closer look at tabla and drums and take a detour to the drumhead.

All articles marked in blue can be read directly on the website by clicking on them. All other content can only be found in the printed edition or in the e-Paper.


La surprenante diversité des membranophones
Les instruments à peau have existed since time immemorial and in all civilizations, in a myriad of forms

A channel for emotions
When drumming, anger and aggression are given a place without harming anyone. Interview with Marco Mazotti

Percussive hybrid drive

Compositions for tabla by Stefan Keller

Pour des véganes bien dans leur peau
Alternatives synthétiques et végétales pour les peaux de percussions

When the eardrum bleeds
In the nirvana of volume, the worries of everyday life crumble to dust

... and also


New releases recordings, books, sheet music

This section is missing from the printed edition this time - but you can browse through a huge pool of previously published reviews online.



RTS Culture : une offremusicale surmesure

The focus is shifting to digital channels - m4music in Corona times

On the road with Swiss symphonic music - Lena-LisaWüstendörfer and the Swiss Orchestra

Carte blanche à William Blank



Le shiatsu enseigné auxmusiciens : la santé par l'écoute

Corona reveals a weakness in music education


- Dieter Vetter is looking for

Row 9

Since January 2017, Michael Kube has always sat down for us on the 9th of the month in row 9 - with serious, thoughtful, but also amusing comments on current developments and the everyday music business.

Link to series 9

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